Engaging and Entertaining: 5 Craft Ideas to Keep Your Toddler Busy

Are you struggling to find ways to keep your energetic toddler entertained and engaged? Look no further! We've got you covered with our fantastic craft ideas that are sure to captivate your little one's imagination. Say goodbye to restless afternoons and hello to endless fun as we unveil five exciting activities that will not only occupy their time but also nurture their creativity. Get ready for a world of crafting adventures where giggles, smiles, and treasured memories await!

5 Craft Ideas to Keep Your Toddler Busy

If you find yourself with a bored toddler and are looking for something to do, look no further! These crafts are perfect for keeping your little one occupied.

1. Paper Plate Crafts - You can never go wrong with paper plates! There are so many different things you can make with them. Try making a suncatcher, a collage, or even a simple drawing.

2. Dough Craft - Dough or Clay is great for your child and learning different textures. It’s also a fun way to make memories

3. Painting - Painting is always a hit with toddlers. They love getting their hands dirty and creating something beautiful. Try using finger paints, paintbrushes, or even stamps.

4. Nature Crafts- Making crafts out of nature is the perfect way to teach your child and show them beauty is everywhere!

5. Recycled Crafts -Have trash! USE IT! Teach your child early on to reuse and recycle! You can make so many things from things you just toss in the trash.

- Paper Plate Crafts

Toddlers are notoriously hard to keep entertained. They have boundless energy and a short attention span, which can make finding activities to keep them busy a real challenge for parents.

One great way to keep your toddler occupied is with paper plate crafts. These simple projects are perfect for little ones, and can be easily adapted to suit their skill level. Plus, they're a lot of fun!

Here are some great paper plate crafts for toddlers:

1. Paper Plate Ladybugs - These cute ladybugs are easy to make and only require a few simple supplies. Your toddler will love painting and decorating their very own ladybug!

2. Paper Plate Fish - This is a great project for toddlers who are beginning to learn their colors. Help them paint the paper plate blue, then add some colorful stripes using construction paper or markers.

3. Paper Plate Wheels - This is a fun activity that will help your toddler develop their fine motor skills. Cut out circles from construction paper or felt, then glue them onto the paper plate to create wheels. Your toddler can then decorate their car however they like!

4. Paper Plate Animals - There are endless possibilities when it comes to making animals out of paper plates! Encourage your toddler's creativity by letting them design their own unique animal friend and you can even make this a learning experience and match the animal with it's appropriate letter.

- Dough Crafts

There's something so satisfying about crafting with dough. It's easy to work with, and kids love getting their hands messy. Here are some of our favorite dough crafts for toddlers:

- Modeling clay animals: This is a classic Toddler activity that can be done with any type of modeling clay. Simply show your child how to make basic shapes out of the clay, then help them put the pieces together to create an animal.

- Salt dough handprints: This is a great way to capture your child's handprint while they're still small. Mix together salt, flour, and water to form a dough, then have your child press their hand into it. Once the handprint dries, you can paint it or decorate it however you like.

- Playdough sculptures: Let your child's imagination run wild as they sculpt whatever they can think of out of playdough. You can even use cookie cutters to help them create specific shapes or objects.

- Paint Crafts

There's no denying that toddlers can be a handful. They're full of energy and always seem to be on the move. But what do you do when your little one is bored and you need a break? Entertaining them doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Here are a few paint crafts that are sure to keep your toddler busy.

1. Finger painting is always a hit with toddlers. All you need is some washable paint and some paper. Let them go wild and create their own masterpiece. You can even use painters tape to spell their name and once they've created their masterpiece and it dries peel the tape off!

2. Paint rocks! This is a great activity for outdoorsy toddlers. Collect some small rocks from your yard or nearby park, and let your child paint them however they please.

3. Make homemade stamps! Cut out shapes from foam or paper plates, and then help your toddler dip them in paint to make fun patterns on paper.

4. Use marbles to paint! Add some marbles to a tray of paint and let your toddler roll them around to create interesting patterns and designs.

5. Do a dot painting activity! Put dots of paint on a piece of paper and encourage your toddler to connect the dots with lines or shapes.

6. Fill a ziplock bag with paint and tape it shut. Then, tape it to a window or a door and let them create picture after picture! Best part is NO MESS to clean up!

- Nature Crafts

There are so many fun and easy nature crafts that you can do with your toddler to keep them busy! Here are a few of our favorites:

- Leaf rubbings are a great way to introduce your toddler to the different shapes and textures of leaves. Simply lay a leaf flat on a piece of paper and help your child rub a crayon over it. The wax from the crayon will transfer onto the paper, and you'll be left with a beautiful imprint of the leaf.

- Another fun nature craft is making a bird feeder. Get yourselves some Pinecones attach a string to the top so you'll be able to hang it from your place of choice. Spread some peanut butter all over it and then roll it in bird feed. Be ready to watch the birds come eat and your child will see their creation come to life.

- For something really unique, try making 'leaf fossils'! Press leaves into some soft clay, then let the clay harden overnight. Once it's hardened, you can peel away the clay to reveal your very own leaf fossil!

- Recycled Crafts

Keep your toddler entertained and eco-friendly with these fun recycled crafts! All you need is some imagination and some basic materials that you probably already have around the house.

1. Toilet paper binoculars- Get 2 toilet paper rolls and let your toddler decorate them however they want. You can help them glue construction paper on them, They can color with crayons or markers, or if your ambitious let them paint the rolls. Tape them together and attach a string to both sides. They can use their binoculars to watch the birds eat off their bird feeder!

2. We all have amazon boxes arriving everyday. (maybe that's just me) Anyway, get one of those boxes and have your child decorate it as a car and pretend you're going to a drive in movie theater and have a family movie night. Maybe turn it into a space ship and pretend to walk on the moon, Turn it into a boat and act like pirates! So many different things you and your toddlers imagination could turn a simple box into!


Crafts can be a great way to keep your toddler busy and engaged in creative activities. Not only are crafts educational, but they also provide hours of entertainment! We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to keep your toddler entertained with fun craft projects. With the right materials and guidance, your little one will be happily crafting away in no time!

Nicole Swalm

Nicole is a mom of two children. She has a love of Arts & Crafts, and enjoys sharing her artistic gifts through her blogging and within her local community. Nicole lives with her husband, and four children in Utica, NY


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